Thursday, July 08, 2010


Sorry I haven't posted much art work lately. We were away for a few days and since we've came back the temperatures have been hovering between 95 and 100 degrees and very humid. My studio is up stairs and even with the AC on, that room tends to be very warm. So I've just been getting in a lot of reading time, which I'm enjoying.

If any of you are looking for some good mystery books try reading some by Harlen Coben. He has some really good books. Right now I'm reading his book "Caught". He';s a great writer, if you like mysteries. I may be a little partial, because most of his books take place in the area of NJ where I grew up. LOL.

1 comment:

Janet said...

I completely understand about the heat! When my studio was upstairs I didn't spend much time in there during the summer.

Enjoy reading and thanks for the recommendation.